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Premiera 06/10/2023
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Iron Studios

Darth Maul 20 cm BDS Art Scale 1/10 Star Wars Hobby

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Iron Studios prezentuje kolekcjonerską figurkę przedstawiającą postać "Dartha Maula" ze znanej serii "Star Wars".

Darth Maul to śmiertelnie niebezpieczny i zwinny Lord Sith o żółtych oczach i czerwonej wytatuowanej twarzy pod koroną z rogów, władający perfekcyjnie mieczem świetlnym o podwójnym ostrzu. Pochodzący z planety Dathomir, Zabrak został wyszkolony przez Mrocznego Lorda Dartha Sidiousa i przygotopwany do eksterminacji każdego celu.
Maul posługuje się Formą VII, znaną również jako Juyo, określaną jako najokrutniejsza forma walki mieczem świetlnym. Dodając do tego swoją wiedzę i dyscyplinę jako mistrz w Teräs Käsi, śmiertelnie niebezpiecznej i mistycznej sztuce walki znanej w całej galaktyce ze swojej zabójczości, stał się jednym z najskuteczniejszych zabójców wśród Lordów Sith.

Wysłany przez swojego mistrza Dartha Sidiousa na jałową planetę Tatooine z misją wyeliminowania Królowej Amidali i dwóch Rycerzy Jedi, Mroczny Lord Sith po uzyskaniu informacji o miejscu pobytu celu, przygotowuje się do morderczego ataku.

Główne cechy:
  • Doskonałe odwzorowanie postaci
  • Perfekcyjnie oddana mimika bohatera oraz struktura skóry
  • Precyzyjnie odtworzony kostium znany z uniwersum Star Wars
  • Figurka mierzy około 20 cm wysokości
  • Pełne wymiary : 19.50 x 20.00 x 22.00 cm
  • Skala 1/10
  • Waga : 800 g
  • Miniatura jest dostarczana w kartonowym pudełku z prezentacyjnym okienkiem
  • Oficjalnie licencjonowana
  • Wydanie limitowane
Szczegółowy opis w języku angielskim:
In the Palace of Theed on planet Naboo, the dark Dathomirian Sith warrior with all his skills uses Form VII, also known as Juyo, described as the cruelest combat form with a lightsaber. Adding his knowledge and discipline as a master in Teräs Käsi, a deadly and mystic martial art known in the whole galaxy for its lethality, he became one of the most efficient and lethal assassins among the Sith Lords. Inspired by the iconic dueling scene from Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, where he faces the Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi with his double-bladed lightsaber, Iron Studios, now with their global license, present the statue “Darth Maul BDS - Star Wars - Art Scale 1/10”. Over a detailed diorama pedestal that refers to the technological scenery of the power plant in Naboo, his expressive facial features gnashing his teeth in fury, all the movement from his pose and textures in his suit are perfectly portrayed in this fantastic figure, that undoubtedly brings immediately to the mind of all the fans the music track Duel of the Fates by composer John Williams.Recruited as an apprentice by Sith Lord Darth Sidious, used as a tool against the Republic and the Jedi, the native from planet Dathomir and the greatest Zabrak warrior named Darth Maul, in his first appearance revealed the existence of an Order of Sith Lords before considered extinct while confronting Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn in a short duel in Tatooine. Following Queen Padmé Amidala to planet Naboo, Maul ends up reencountering Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, and they all fought each other. Darth Maul was able to kill Qui-Gon, but Obi-Wan cut his body in half with the lightsaber and he fell into a reactor’s pit. Everyone thought Maul was dead, but Maul used the Force to reach an air vent and ended up in a trash container, that transported him to Lotho Minor, a Junk World in the Outer Ring. He used his powers from the dark side of the Force to create 6 robotic legs and lays low, going mad with rage and shame for what happened to him, but alive thanks to his hatred for Kenobi and his old master. His brother, Savage Opress, rescued him and took him back to Dathomir. When he arrived there, he had his mind restored and got new mechanical legs. After many conflicts and great battles in the ascension of the Empire, he finally had his definitive confrontation with Obi-Wan.Presented in their booth at the D23 Expo Disney 2022, where Iron Studios also revealed him as part of their global license, the statue Darth Maul BDS is completely based on the official references, replicating down to the smallest details the most striking dueling scene from this iconic and beloved villain from Star Wars. Revealed in detail on the monthly show Inside Iron Studios Day of October on YouTube, the statue is already available for Pre-Order. Also, check out the statue Darth Vader BDS - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Art Scale 1/10 and other news from a galaxy far, far away, now being released by Iron Studios for collectors worldwide.

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