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Iron Studios

Spider-Man 21 cm `60s Animated Series Art Scale 1/10 Hobby

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Iron Studios prezentuje kolekcjonerską figurkę przedstawiającą postać "Spider-Mana" z serii klasycznych animacji z lat 60.

Wyprodukowany przez Grantray-Lawrence Animation w 1967 roku, serial animowany Spider-Man był pierwszą adaptacją superbohatera Marvela, który odniósł już wcześniej sukces w komiksach. Aby utrzymać go jako niskobudżetową produkcję, projekt bohatera został przedstawiony z pajęczynami z jego kombinezonu tylko na twarzy, rękach i stopach, a większość animacji została ponownie wykorzystana. Taka oszczędność wygenerowała kilka zabawnych błędów, jak np. pająki na kombinezonie Petera Parkera mające tylko sześć nóg, co zostało poprawione w sezonie drugim. Ale, może nawet bardziej znany niż sam serial, był temat piosenki, napisanej przez laureata Oscara Paul Francis Webstera i skomponowane przez Boba Harrisa. Jego melodia i tekst są przywoływane do dziś w komiksach, grach, serialach i filmach bohatera.

Cechy miniatury :
  • Doskonałe odwzorowanie bohatatera, wzorowane na referencji filmowej
  • Precyzyjnie oddana mimika postaci, szczegóły ubioru oraz fizjonomii
  • Miniatura mierzy około 21 cm wysokości
  • Skala 1/10
  • Waga : 500 g
  • Stauetka jest dostarczana w kartonowym pudełku z prezentacyjnym okienkiem
  • Oficjalnie licencjonowana
  • Wydanie limitowane
Szczegółowy opis w języku angielskim:
Raising his right arm, the friendly neighborhood arachnid superhero points to an identical figure, that repeats the same gesture, in a fun and confusing scene from his first animated series, that became one of the most popular memes on the internet. Inspired by this iconic meme, derivative from the episode “Double Identity”, the 19th episode of the hero’s classic animation from the ‘60s where a villain tries to impersonate the hero, Iron Studios present the statue "Spider-Man ‘60s Animated Series - Spider-Man - Art Scale 1/10", faithful down to the smallest details, even in the absence of some, to the visual of the beloved wall climber’s original cartoon, with the hero over a pedestal next to a wooden crate, referring to the background scenery of this unusual moment in the animation.
Iron Studios also bring the exclusive version "Spider-Man ‘60s Animated Series Deluxe - Spider-Man - Art Scale 1/10", available for sale only through Sideshow Collectibles, bringing an extra interchangeable head of the hero without his mask, with Peter Parker’s retro features from the animation.
Produced by Grantray-Lawrence Animation in 1967, the Spider-Man animated series was the first adaptation of Marvel’s superhero that was already a success in comic books. To keep it a low-budget production, the hero’s design was presented with the webs from his suit only on his face, hands, and feet, and most of the animation was reused. Such economy generated some funny mistakes, like the spiders on Peter Parker’s suit having only six legs, an error corrected in season two. But, maybe even more famous than the series itself, was the theme song, written by Oscar winner Paul Francis Webster and composed by Bob Harris, its melody and lyrics are referenced to this day in comic books, games, series, and movies of the hero.
The image of Spider-Man and his copycat pointing to each other, as a tribute to the meme, was replicated in the post-credit scene of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, with the hero traveling dimensionally animated in the style of the series, also in the movie Spider-Man: No Way Home, with the three Peter Parkers in a fun scene at the laboratory, and now for the first time in a collectible statue by Iron Studios. Revealed on SDCC 2022 and with more details on Inside Iron Studios Day, the monthly show on Iron Studios’ YouTube channel, the statues are already individually available for Pre-Order. Be sure to get yours quickly, because surely many will get more than one to replicate the praised meme in their collections. Check out more news by Iron Studios on their social media.

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