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Iron Studios

Star Wars The Mandalorian BDS Art Scale 1/10 Bo-Katan 21 cm Hobby

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Iron Studios prezentuje kolekcjonerską figurkę przedstawiającą postać "Bo-Katan Kryze" z serialu "The Mandalorian"

Bo-Katan Kryze walczy o przyszłość Mandalore od czasów Wojen Klonów. Nosi zbroję, która była w jej rodzinie od pokoleń. Jako ostatnia z rodu, przewodzi drużynie Mandalorian z Klanu Kryze, uderzając przy każdej okazji w pozostałości Imperium.

Na pokrytym oceanami księżycu o nazwie Trask, znajduje się port, w którym działa czarny rynek galaktyki. W tym właśnie miejscu łowca nagród Din Djarin, zostaje uratowany przez trzech Mandalorian z klanu Kryze pod dowództwem Bo-Katan. Konflikt ten ma miejsce w 11 rozdziale serialu The Mandalorian, zatytułowanym The Heiress. W tym samym odcinku zostaje nam przedstawiona przywódczyni rebelianckiej frakcji Mandalorian, która łamie zasady doktryny zdejmując swój hełm i odsłaniając twarz. Bo-Katan po raz pierwszy pojawiła się w serialu animowanym Star Wars: The Clone Wars, ponownie ukazując się w animacji Star Wars: Rebels. W obu seriach głos postaci należał do Katee Sackhoff, która teraz wciela się w postać osobiście.

Cechy miniatury :
  • Doskonałe odwzorowanie bohatera wzorowane bezpośrednio na wizerunku znanym z serialu The Mandalorian
  • Precyzyjnie oddana struktura pancerza
  • Miniatura mierzy około 21 cm wysokości
  • Skala 1/10
  • Wykonany z wysokiej jakości polystone
  • Pełne wymiary : 20 x 21 x 21 cm
  • Waga : 600 g
  • Ręcznie malowana
  • Stauetka jest dostarczana w kartonowym pudełku z prezentacyjnym okienkiem
  • Oficjalnie licencjonowana
Szczegółowy opis w języku angielskim:
On a moon covered by oceans called Trask, is located the port where the galaxy's black market operates. This scenario is where the bounty hunter Din Djarin, also called Mando, when betrayed by fishermen of the Quarren race, who wanted to steal his armor because of the valuable Beskar metal, is saved by three Mandalorians of the Kryze clan under the command of Bo-Katan. This conflict occurs in the 11th chapter of The Mandalorian series, called The Heiress. In this same episode, we are introduced to the leader of the rebel Mandalorian faction, who breaks the rules of doctrine by removing her helmet and exposing her face. Bo-Katan first appeared in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, reappearing in the Star Wars: Rebels animation. In both series, the character's voice was from Katee Sackhoff, who now brings the character to life in person.

In the past, the Mandalorians divided into two groups: those who followed the pacifist ideals of their governor, Duchess Satine, and those who idealized their warrior origins, with Bo-Katan, Satine's sister, belonging to the second group. Upon being exiled, she joined a radical group, even partnering with Sith Lord Darth Maul, who betrayed his allies and seized power. To combat the villain's reign, Bo-Katan became the leader of the Mandalore Resistance, joining forces with the Jedi, and this leadership was accomplished when she became the bearer of the legendary Darksaber. With the interference of the Galactic Empire, Bo-Katan ended up suffering a coup and was deposed, which resulted in a civil war in her world. This whole situation generated such dissatisfaction in the Empire that, when they concluded that the rebels would not let themselves be dominated, they promoted the genocide of a large part of the Mandalorians. In the series "The Mandalorian", Bo-Katan seeks to take the Darksaber from Imperial law enforcement agent Moff Gideon, to reassume the leadership of her people and reunite them all, according to her ideals.

Iron Studios' line of statues from The Mandalorian series, featuring Mando and Grogu (Baby Yoda) Art Scale 1/10, and The Mandalorian BDS Art Scale 1/10 and Moff Gideon Art Scale 1/10 composing a battle diorama scene (both already available for Pre-Order - sold separately), adds one more to the incredible line, the "Bo-Katan BDS Art Scale 1/10 - The Mandalorian - Iron Studios" statue. Inspired by her first appearance in the live-action, in a defensive position and ready for action, she wields her blaster pistols over a diorama base filled with elements such as ropes, a box, and a barrel, which allude to the vessel's deck in the waters of Trask, where she flies in with her jetpack and lands to save Din Djarin. Faithfully portraying her armor, the figure presents the warrior with her helmet, preserving the mysterious Mandalorian aura... This is the way!

Product size: approx. 20 x 21 x 21 cm

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