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Iron Studios

Zack Snyder's Justice League BDS Art Scale Statue 1/10 Mera 21 cm Hobby

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Iron Studios prezentuje kolekcjonerską figurkę przedstawiającą postać "Mery" z filmu DC "Zack Snyder's Justice League"

Mera to córka Nereusa, króla Xebel, jednego z siedmiu podwodnych królestw. Została przyjęta przez królową Atlannę z Atlantydy, która wychowała ją wraz z synem Ormem i szkoliła przez lata jako swoją protegowaną. Mera stała się wybitną osobistością wojskową i w końcu została wyznaczona na przywódcę Gwardii Atlantów.

Cechy miniatury :
  • Doskonałe odwzorowanie bohatera wzorowane bezpośrednio na wizerunku aktorki Amber Heard i jej kreacji z filmu DC Zack Snyder's Justice League
  • Precyzyjnie oddana mimika postaci, struktura skóry oraz szczegóły ubioru
  • Miniatura mierzy około 20 cm wysokości
  • Skala 1/10
  • Pełne wymiary : 21 x 11 x 4 cm
  • Waga : 380 g
  • Stauetka jest dostarczana w kartonowym pudełku z prezentacyjnym okienkiem
  • Oficjalnie licencjonowana
  • Edycja limitowana
Szczegółowy opis w języku angielskim:
Using her hydrokinetic powers to manipulate water through Atlantean magic, the beautiful warrior princess of the oceans creates a swirl of waves around a coral, in which she appears with her traditional armor and a large golden tiara over her long auburn hair. Dedicated and compassionate, with a strong sense of duty to her people, she believes in doing what is right and honoring her duties above her own emotions. The greatest warrior from the ocean's depths arises on the statue "Mera - Zack Snyder's Justice League - BDS Art Scale 1/10", the first unprecedented statue by Iron Studios of the ally heroine of the Justice League and great love of the hero Aquaman.

Daughter of Nereus, King of Xebel, one of the seven underwater kingdoms, Mera was welcomed by Queen Atlanna from Atlantis, that raised her together with her son Orm and trained her through the years as her protégé. Mera became a prominent military figure and ended up being designated to lead the Atlantean Guard as an adult. When the first Mother Box, a machine that can reorganize all the matter through the will of its masters, was activated on Earth, Mera, together with the Xebelian Soldiers, faced the alien conqueror Steppenwolf, that managed to take the artifact. After Steppenwolf's defeat by the Justice League, Mera joins Aquaman in his journey to get back to Atlantis and in his search for the Trident of Atlan, so that he could claim his rightful place as king. In the movie "Snyder's Cut", the established version by director Zack Snyder of the movie Justice League from 2017, and the fifth movie from the DC Extended Universe, in a potential alternative future, the villain Darkseid conquered the world with the help of a mind-controlled Superman. In this chaotic world, after Aquaman dies in battle, Mera took the Trident of Atlan to help saving the world with her allies.

Size: 21 x 11 x 4 cm

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