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Games Workshop

Captain-General Trajann Valoris Hobby

  (aby wyświetlić ocenę muszą zagłosować jeszcze 3 osoby)
Trajann Valoris jest obecnym Głównym Kustoszem i siedemnastym Kapitanem Generalnym Adeptus Custodes, elitarnej straży ochronnej Imperatora Ludzkości i prawdopodobnie najbardziej zabójczym wojownikiem w całym Imperium.

Imię Valorisa wypowiada się z szacunkiem, gdyż wielu uważa Kapitana Generalnego za osobistego przedstawiciela samego Imperatora.

Zestaw składa się z 19 elementów niezbędnych do budowy modelu i jest dostarczany z okrągłą podstawką Citadel 40mm.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Captain-General Trajann Valoris. His armour is elaborate and eye-catching even amongst his Custodes brothers – he wears the Castellan Plate, an ancient suit of powered armour that incorporates a heraldic tilting plate adorned with an eagle’s head emblem and large feathers. This includes a striking cloak made from the hide of a lion, woven through with adamantine thread – the lion’s head and front paws are draped dramatically over his right shoulder. An auramite halo frames his scowling face, and the whole suit is covered in the kind of ornate, sculpted details that set the Adeptus Custodes apart from other Imperial warriors – eagles, gemstones and filigree litter every surface. His main weapon held in his right hand is the Watcher’s Axe, an enormous polearm which incorporates a ferocious master-crafted bolt weapon known as the Eagle’s Scream; he also carries a misericordia and an ancient relic on his belt known as the Moment Shackle.

This kit comes as 19 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.

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