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Games Workshop

Raven Guard Primaris Upgrades and Transfers Hobby

  (aby wyświetlić ocenę muszą zagłosować jeszcze 3 osoby)
Komplet oznaczeń i ikonografii dela Raven Guard.

W komplecie :

  • 5x Raven Guard MK X power armour shoulder pads (designed for use with Hellblasters/Intercessors)
  • 1x Raven Guard MK X power armour shoulder pad (designed for Characters or Sergeants from Hellblasters/Intercessors squads)
  • 2x Raven Guard Gravis armour shoulder pad (designed for use with Aggressors)
  • 1x Raven Guard Gravis armour shoulder pad (designed for Characters or Sergeants from Aggressors squads)
  • 2x Raven Guard character bare heads
  • 1x Raven Guard helmeted head
  • 1x left arm holding a stalker bolt rifle
  • 1x right arm holding a grenade
  • 1x pauldron
  • 5x Raven Guard decorations, including feathers, bird skulls and a reliquary

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