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Iron Studios

DC Comics Art Scale Statue 1/10 Catwoman (Gotham City Sirens) 21 cm Hobby

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Iron Studios prezentuje kolekcjonerską figurkę przedstawiającą postać "Catwoman" z uniwersum "DC Comics".

Catwoman, bystra i podstępna femme fatale to Selina Kyle, obecna w niemal wszystkich adaptacjach Batmana, także poza komiksami. Uwodzicielska, odważna, żądna przygód i podstępna, zawsze utrzymywała burzliwe romantyczne relacje z Mrocznym Rycerzem. Wielokrotnie przestawała być zwykłą złodziejką, by stać się swego rodzaju antybohaterką sprzymierzoną z Batmanem. Została stworzona w 1940 roku przez Billa Fingera i Boba Kane'a.

W komiksach, seria Gotham City Sirens została opublikowana w latach 2009-2011, napisana przez Paula Din i, współtwórcę Harleen, w serii Catwoman, Po ison Ivy i Harley Quinn są zmuszeni zjednoczyć się, aby się chronić.

Główne cechy  :

  • Doskonałe odwzorowanie bohatera
  • Precyzyjnie odtworzone elementy mimiki, fizjonomii oraz ubioru
  • Wysokośc : 21 cm
  • Skala 1/10
  • Waga : 900 g
  • Ręcznie malowana
  • Oficjalnie licencjonowana

Szczegółowy opis w języku angielskim:
Debuting in the first issue of Batman, she is one of the oldest and most impo rtant characters in the universe of the Caped Crusad er. Catwoman (Selina Kyle) is an orphan since childhood, spent some time in a girls' orp- hanage, from which she eventu ally escap ed. Her inspiration to become Catwoman is said to have originated from observing Batman himself. Seductive, brav e, adventurous, and cunning, she has always had a turbulent romantic relationship with the Dark Knight, and more recently, has transitioned from being just a thief to becoming a kind of vigilante anti-hero and bounty hun ter in the DC canon, and sometimes an ally of Batman. Selina is a talented athlete, with greater acrobatic ability due to her training, possesses strength, endurance, speed, reflexes, agility, and stamina abov e an ordinary human. A dangerous, intelligent, and resourceful fighter, she was train ed in Martial Arts, Boxing, and Street Fighting by the hero known as Wildcat. Selina has a strong affinity for feline species, which tend to flock to her, accepting her almost immediately, allowing her to calm injured cats, train them, create friend ship s with them, formin g strong bon ds. Created in 1940 by Bill Finger and Bob Kane, Selina Kyle steals the spotlight, and the cunning and stealthy femme fatale is always looking for her next heist, or a kiss from a certain caped crusader, but one thin g is for sure, there will be
bad luck for anyo ne who crosses her path.

In the comic books, the Gotham City Sirens series was pub lished between 2009 and 2011, written by Paul Din i, co-creator of Harleen, in the series Catwoman, Po ison Ivy, and Harley Quinn are forced to unite to pro tect themselves. Now, Iron Studios presents a new original series reimagining the characters. Revealed on the Insid e Iron Stu dios Day of Jun e, already available for Pr e-Order, check out the "Po ison Ivy Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" and "Harley Quinn Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" previously revealed statues, both also with a regular version.

Size: 21 cm

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