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Hot Toys

WandaVision 1/6 The Scarlet Witch 28 cm Hobby

  (aby wyświetlić ocenę muszą zagłosować jeszcze 3 osoby)
Hot Toys prezentuje kolekcjonerską figurkę przedstawiającą postać "The Scarlet Witch" ze znanego serialu "WandaVision".

Figurka mierzy około 28 cm wysokości i jest dostarczana w kartonowym pudełku z prezentacyjnym okienkiem.

Szczegółowy opis w języku angielskim:

"This is Chaos Magic, Wanda. And that makes you the Scarlet Witch." - Agatha Harkness

Trying to get to the bottom of Wanda Maximoff's powers, Agatha takes Wanda off on a trip down memory lane reliving the past memories. Forced to go along with Agatha's plan, Wanda unleashes her abilities to protect her loved ones, meanwhile gains a greater understanding of the full extent of her considerable powers.

Inspired by WandaVision, Marvel Studios' original series, Sideshow and Hot Toys are excited to officially introduce a stunning sixth scale collectible figure of The Scarlet Witch and her brand-new costume with impressive details from the series finale.

Beautifully crafted based on the appearance of Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch in WandaVision, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt with specially applied luminous reflective effect on eyes to emulate Scarlet Witch using her abilities, long curly sculpted hair and her signature headdress, a newly designed body equipped with LED light-up function on both sides of the forearms, detailed outfit including the hooded cape, specially created hands with red translucent fingertips, Darkhold book, power-using effect accessories, and a dynamic figure base for display.

Reserve space for The Scarlet Witch Sixth Scale Collectible Figure from WandaVision collection!

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