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Premiera 06/06/2025
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Iron Studios

DC Comics Legacy Replica Statue 1/4 Superman DC Trinity 57 cm Hobby

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Iron Studios prezentuje kolekcjonerską figurkę przedstawiającą postać "Supermana" z uniwersum "DC Comics"

Stworzony w 1938 roku przez Joe Shustera i Jerry'ego Siegela, Superman jest przez wielu uważany za pierwszego superbohatera.

Kal-El  jest jednym z ostatnich ocalałych z wymarłej planety Krypton. Wysłany, gdy był jeszcze dzieckiem przez swojego biologicznego ojca, trafia na błękitną planetę. Na Ziemi zostaje znaleziony przez parę farmerów, którzy wychowali go we wzorowy sposób. Jako dorosły człowiek został dziennikarzem. Jego działalność pozwala mu na bycie dobrze poinformowanym o wszystkich wydarzeniach, dzięki czemu może wykorzystywać swoje moce do ochrony ludzkości samemu oraz u boku swoich sojuszników z Ligi Sprawiedliwości.

Cechy miniatury :

  • Doskonałe odwzorowanie bohatatera, wzorowane na komiksowym wizerunku
  • Precyzyjnie oddane szczegóły kostiumu i mimika postaci
  • Wymiary : 56.80 x 39.70 x 32.20 cm (H x W x L)
  • Ręcznie malowana
  • Skala 1/4
  • Waga :9000 g
  • Stauetka jest dostarczana w kartonowym pudełku z prezentacyjnym okienkiem
  • Oficjalnie licencjonowana
  • Wydanie limitowane

Szczegółowy opis w języku angielskim:
Product Features: - Limited Edition: A rare collectible piece. - Authentic Design: Based on original references. - Premium Materials: Crafted from polystone with possible inclusions of resin, PVC, metal, and fabric. - Hand-Painted Finish: Meticulously detailed by skilled artisans. - Dimensions: 56.8 cm (H) x 39.7 cm (W) x 32.2 cm (D) - Weight: 9 Kg Iron Studios proudly presents a stunning new statue of Superman, capturing the essence of the iconic hero in a large, lifelike scale. Revered as the world’s first superhero, Superman is the cornerstone of the genre, setting the standards and defining the conventions that have shaped comic book history. This statue features Superman in his unmistakable classic uniform—a blue leotard adorned with the iconic "S" emblem, red boots, a long scarlet cape, signature red trunks, and a yellow belt—all elements that compose the legendary image of the "Man of Steel." For over 86 years, Superman has transcended the pages of comic books to become a global pop culture icon. Since his debut in 1938, his stories have been continually published by DC Comics, securing his place as the best-selling superhero up until the 1980s. Set upon a display base with metallic textures and a futuristic design inspired by the architecture of Metropolis, this statue is visually influenced by some of Superman's most celebrated and award-winning comic book appearances. The "Superman DC Trinity - DC Comics - Legacy Replica 1/4" statue by Iron Studios is a lifelike representation, crafted with extreme attention to detail and precision, honoring every aspect of this legendary character. Superman, originally named Kal-El, was created in 1938 by Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel. He is one of the last survivors of the planet Krypton, sent to Earth as an infant by his father, a renowned scientist. Raised by a humble farming couple, Kal-El grew up to become Clark Kent, a reporter who uses his career to stay informed about global events, all while secretly using his superpowers to protect humanity—both solo and alongside his Justice League allies. From his early days in a 1940 radio program to his first animated shorts by Fleischer Studios in 1941, and through to his live-action debut in 1948 portrayed by Kirk Alyn, Superman has remained a dominant force in multimedia. Notably, Christopher Reeve brought Superman to the big screen in the 1978 blockbuster film and its three sequels. Superman has since appeared in various animated series, direct-to-video films, TV shows, the DC Extended Universe, video games, and a vast array of merchandise.

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