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Sauron nigdy nie odwrócił całkowicie wzroku od północnych królestw - nawet podczas schyłku Trzeciej Ery siły Zła zbliżyły się do Dale, Ereboru, Mirkwood i Lothlorien. Gdy na południu szalała Wojna o Pierścieńa, na ziemiach Rhovanionu siły Dobra zjednoczyły się w obronie swoich domów, a ich akty bohaterstwa związały armie, których Sauron tak bardzo potrzebował.
– History of the North: An overview of the background of Middle-earth’s northern lands, including Sauron’s attack on the area during the War of the Ring. – Scenarios: 18 narrative play Scenarios, including background, board layouts, objectives, rules, and more. – Defence of the North Campaign: Rules to link the 18 Scenarios together into one extended campaign, or three individual campaigns that can be played on their own. – Armies: Background details and rules for eight armies that fought in the Rhovanion, namely the Garrison of Dale, Erebor Reclaimed, Lothlorien, Halls of Thranduil, Beornings, Easterlings, Mordor, and Dark Denizens of Mirkwood. Each section features the units and Army Bonus available to that army list, and tactical insight on the strengths and weaknesses of your force. You’ll also find rules for notable units who fought during these wars. – Legendary Legions: Rules for six Legions, representing the Army of Dale, Defenders of Erebor, the Bearings, Host of the Dragon Emperor, Fell Beings of Mirkwood, and Assault of Lothlorien. Each provides a restricted army composition that grants an additional suite of rules for the Legion to take advantage of. – Appendix: Provides additional background and four scenarios for reenacting historical battles across Rhovanion, including the Destruction of Dale, Battle for Dale, the Battle of the Five Armies, and the High Pass. – Showcase: Get inspired with lavish displays of key miniatures from the Citadel and Forge World ranges. ![]() |