Beast Kingdom prezentuje kolekcjonerską figurkę przedstawiającą postaci "Jubei Yagyu" z gry "Samurai Shodown" Fani japońskich samurajów i gier wideo o tej tamatyce znają słynnego 'Jubei Yagyu', jednego z głównych bohaterów serii gier Samurai Shodown od SNK. Nieustraszony wojownik , oparty na prawdziwej postaci historycznej, która służyła szogunowi w czasach feudalnej Japonii, stał sie symbolem jednej z najlepszych serii bijatyk w historii branży. Cechy figurki :
One of the most celebrated fighting games from SNK: Samurai Showdown is ready to hack and slash on a desk near you with the release of its most renowned character: Jubei Yagyu in glorious action figure form! Join Beast Kingdom's 'Entertainment Experience Brand' with the launch of a new line of DAH (Dynamic 8ction Figures) from the famous SNK gaming powerhouse! Fans of Japanese Samurai and video games are no strangers to the famous 'Jubei Yagyu', one of the main characters of the Samurai Shodown series of games and based on a real historical figure who served the Shogun during the Shogunate, military era of Japan! A fearless warrior, his distinctive one-eyed patch gave him legendary status amongst Japanese swordsmen of the Edo period. The video game series of which the DAH-071 Jubei Yagyu design is based on accurately depicts the character in all his splendor! The figure recreates the intricate samurai clothing using real fabric, as well as giving fans a host of accessories and head sculpts straight from the video game, including a pair of heavy-hitting Katanas ready to dish out justice! The set poses the action figure with an authentic looking Japanese inspired backdrop for a portrait like setup. Also, the grinning sculpt is accompanied by a dango, and a collection of combo special effects to make Jubei's fight pop to life! Beast Kingdom is proud to release a new era in SNK video gaming figures for fans of high octane action. Make sure to order yours from an official outlet today! Size: 21 cm Ze względu na ograniczone ilości i konieczność wcześniejszej rezerwacji, prosimy o kontakt mailowy przed złożeniem zamówienia w celu potwierdzenia dostępności u dystrybutora. |